Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management
Participants will gain the ability to see emotional intelligence in perspective, demonstrate knowledge of emotions such as anger displayed at work and at home
View Course DetailsDemonstrate an understanding of an Entrepreneurial Profile
This unit standard is for learners who are required to identify and develop within themselves, the personal characteristics of an entrepreneur that ensure the successful operation of a new venture.
View Course DetailsHIV & AIDS in a Workplace Environment
This course has been developed to meet the needs of business and government organisations who desire to understand HIV and AIDS challenges encountered in the workplace.
View Course DetailsMeeting & Minute Management
The course focuses on why meetings are an essential element of business communication and being able to organize, prepare for and take and distribute minutes efficiently is an important skill that can be learned and enhanced.
View Course DetailsNegotiation Skills
This course will enable one to put in place parameters of service level requirements with clients. They will also be able to negotiate the boundaries and nature of the business advisor/client relationship, which will create a professional relationship for both parties.
View Course DetailsOccupational Health And Safety
This course will enable you to apply occupational health and safety to the workplace, implement, enforce selected legislation and other SHE related legislation. It will also enable one to Apply the law of evidence and the law of civil and criminal procedure in any given case study
View Course DetailsProblem Solving & Decision Making
This Unit Standard is intended for junior managers of organisations. The Unit Standard specifies the knowledge and skills required to solve problems and make decisions.
View Course DetailsReport Writing
As your career grows and advances, you will be asked to write reports – these may be proposals for new ideas, evaluations of an initiative or a recommendation for a new service or product.
View Course DetailsApply The Principle Of Costing And Pricing In Workplace
This Unit Standard is for learners who are required to applying the principles of costing and pricing in determining profit margins for a new venture
View Course DetailsDevelop a Business Plan
Learners who achieve this unit standard produce a comprehensive business plan which could be used to guide the new business, and/or act as an application for finance and compiling a business plan based on a budget for an SMME
View Course DetailsBusiness Communication
Communicating effectively is an invaluable business tool. Strong communication skills will help you get noticed and achieve professional success and they will help ensure that you consistently secure the results you are aiming for.
View Course DetailsBusiness Writing Skills
This enables a learner to follow a process in writing texts and reports required in business. It is intended to improve the quality of written reports and other texts that requires a particular format include specified legislated requirement.
View Course DetailsChange Management
This helps learners to understand the various types of change that affect organisations, and know how to draw on a range of professional approaches to support the effective delivery of the organisation's desired outcomes from each change initiative.
View Course DetailsTime Management
When you have completed this course you will be able to define the key concepts associated with Time Management and you will be able to: - Identify the main obstacles to effective time management in your daily life - Understand the nature of time management
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